Hello, We Are the North Sea Vikings
The North Sea Vikings are a group of people that share a passion for the North Sea and gladly dip together early in the morning. But no day is the same. Not for the North Sea Vikings and surely not the North Sea. A unique combination of sea colour, temperature, weather, wind, wave size, fauna and flora. Depending on the season, you can watch the stars or the sunrise and sometimes witness unique moments, such as a lightning storm, the halo around the moon, and the Starlink passage. Some North Sea Vikings are more vocal than others, but they all sing together.
The North Sea Vikings were born from a challenge created by Jeff to raise funding for the Haagse Rugby Club, the "Ice Ice Baby Challenge", in 2021. Twenty-eight days, dip in the North Sea at 6 AM by the Pier Scheveningen. Everyone could support them by joining and donating. Most people preferred the second, even if some brave fathers, mothers and children joined. But not Wim, Andrew, Maarten, Martin, Ana and Dick. These diehards did the whole challenge! They all enjoyed it so much that some friends decided to join us. First, Jessica and Oana, followed by Marcus and Diederik. The year after, they repeated the "Ice Ice Baby Challenge". That brought them Laurens, Bert and Robert. On Sundays, extra friends and family join. Marjolijn was so often with them that she became one of the North Sea Vikings. Still, they keep their hopes up for Wendy and Eveline. There is a tradition that they gladly maintain, and it makes every newly North Sea Viking very proud. After months of proven dedication (and a birthday), every North Sea Viking is offered a wind jacket and is baptised with a Viking nickname. Everyone is welcome and can follow their style and tempo.
De North Sea Vikings zijn een groep mensen die een passie voor de Noordzee delen en 's ochtends graag samen een duik nemen. Maar geen dag is hetzelfde. Niet voor de Noordzee Vikingen en zeker niet voor de Noordzee. Een unieke combinatie van zeekleur, temperatuur, weer, wind, golfgrootte, fauna en flora. Afhankelijk van het seizoen kun je naar de sterren of de zonsopgang kijken en soms unieke momenten meemaken, zoals onweer, de halo rond de maan en de Starlink-passage. Sommige North Sea Vikings zijn vocaler dan andere, maar ze zingen allemaal samen.
De North Sea Vikings zijn ontstaan uit na een challenge bedacht door Jeff om geld in te zamelen voor de Haagse Rugby Club, de "Ice Ice Baby Challenge", in 2021. Achtentwintig dagen, duik om 6 uur in de Noordzee bij de Pier Scheveningen. Iedereen kan ze steunen door mee te doen en te doneren. De meeste mensen gaven de voorkeur aan het tweede, ook al sloten enkele dappere vaders, moeders en kinderen zich aan. Maar niet Wim, Andrew, Maarten, Martin, Ana en Dick. Deze diehards gingen de volledige uitdaging aan! Ze genoten er allemaal zo van dat enkele vrienden besloten om mee te doen. Eerst Jessica en Oana, gevolgd door Marcus en Diederik. Het jaar daarop herhaalden ze de "Ice Ice Baby Challenge". Dat bracht ze Laurens, Bert en Robert. Op zondag komen er extra vrienden en familie bij. Marjolijn was zo vaak bij ze dat ze een van de North Sea Vikings werd. Toch houden ze goede hoop voor Wendy en Eveline. Er is een traditie die ze graag in stand houden en waar elke nieuwe Noordzee Viking trots op is. Na maanden van bewezen toewijding (en een verjaardag) krijgt elke Noordzee Viking een windjack aangeboden en wordt gedoopt met een Viking-bijnaam. Iedereen is welkom en kan zijn eigen stijl en tempo volgen.

Jeff brought us all together. After the Ice Ice Baby Challenge our lives changed for the better. More quality of life, and drive to enjoy it. We will always be grateful to Jeff.

Maarten is kind and brave, always ready for a challenge. He is our Maestro. The one that best can sing (by far) and that helps us keep in tune, as much as possible.

Wim is our one and only Guru.
He already dipped before in the North Sea. We learned all we know with Wim. He keeps us motivated, always with a good word and smile.

Martin is calm and funny, always ready to tease our guru Wim. He is also an expert in the fauna and flora of the North Sea. His favourite species are the jellyfish.

Andrew has energy for ten, always friendly and active. He is our personal reporter, making the most fantastic videos, motivating others to join on the Ice Ice Baby Challenges!

Ana is caring and determined. She is our personal photographer, replacing Andrew whenever needed. She loves surprises and making others happy, even stonefishes.

Dick likes to party and make sure we are all having fun. He is our personal DJ. Born in Scheveningen, every day he shares more about its culture and traditions, we gladly experience.

Marcus is very calm and caring. He is also very punctual and keeps us on schedule. He always oversees the group when dipping and taught us the cutest warming up dance.

Jessica is sportive and positive. She always faces a struggle between mind and heart. She loves being a North Sea Viking. But she prefers the North Sea warmer, just like her.

Diederik is friendly, enjoying the moment and always sharing a kind word. He is our soprano, being together with Maarten, the ones singing most in tune.

Oana is energetic and funny. She is our best entertainer. There is never a dull moment with Oana at the North Sea. Also, the waves cheer with her company, sometimes a bit too wild.

Marjolijn is sweet and friendly. She joined us with Andrew and Bo, bringing with them [Russeau] and later also Jacky. We enjoy very much her company and smile.

Laurens was the last North Sea Viking earning the wind jacket. He is funny and the most present North Sea Viking today, mostly there, even when the wind thinks differently.